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Blue Lobster

I found a very blue lobster claw on the beach in Maine. Pretty!

Courtney looked it up and as I live and breathe there is such a thing that lives and breathes. One in two to four million lobsters is blue, depending on which source you consult. That got us purty excited. It’s a genetic mutation (like redheads!) that causes the little crusty-tasty to overproduce protein that combines with carotene to make the blue.  There are also yellow lobsters (one in thirty million), two-tone or half-and-half lobsters (one in fifty million), and baddest of the bad sea-scuttling mofos, the albino lobster (one in one hundred million)

I looked at my little blue claw again later and compared it to this guy and I don’t think so. You can see around the blue that there is red, and it’s blue only in places where it looks worn. More likely than I found the the missing limb of some ancient mutated sea freak now roaming the bottoms wailing for his missing claw, I think the sun and waves just wore the red away.

Decide fer yerselfs:


ulexite for the easily amused

I picked up a couple of fancy little rocks at a Mineral store in Seattle. This one pictured below, Ulexite, is a.k.a. TV Rock. You can get an idea from the picture why they call it that: it transmits images. The rock is made up of bundled fibers which act as fiber optics, reflecting light along the fibers from whatever is adjacent the other side. Pretty effing cool if you aks me.

image: filipino weevil (not actual size)

Another thing about ulexite, also cool, it will dissolve in water. Because it’s made mostly of salt!

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