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thanks Susan G Komen, for ruining pink for the rest of us

susan g komen is ruining pink for the rest of the world.I don’t mind that liking the color pink makes strangers wonder if I’m gay, or if I support breast cancer, but I am proud of the fact that my ability to compartmentalize politics and aesthetics leaves me free to love the color in a vacuum, devoid of the BS the rest of the world brings to such a nice, (effeminate, breasty) shade of my favorite color red, and that that ability sets me apart as one of a few, a proud, a aesthetes.

And I might even go so far as to call myself an early adopter of this particular round of pink in-ness. Waaay back in aught-two I was preaching the merits of the handsome j crew pink khakis, etc, while all you philistines was still taking cargo pants to the next level.

But when the susan b komen marketing machine begins to take over my world, putting pink towels on the belts of quarterbacks and pink pistol-grips on glocks, i.e. when pink becomes so ubiquitous that I am unable to compartmentalize my appreciation of it from the rest of the world’s clamoring, then I begin to feel a bit put upon.

Because it is nowhere near as much fun to love something that every other soul on this planet loves as it is to alone love something.

good times

Abagail : Hello Steve . How are you doing today?
Abagail :
As per the records with me you are referring to a HP Deskjet 6980 Printer, with MAC OS installed as an operating system on the computer. Am I correct?
steve warrington : hi good, but my printer’s blowing my mind. 🙂
Abagail : Please do not worry; I will take every action possible to fix your issue as quickly as possible with my efforts.
steve warrington : sweet! so why does this tab come up in front of the ink cartridges?
Abagail : I believe there is an issue with the installation of print cartridges.
Abagail :
Please remove both cartridges and reinstall them.

steve warrington :
hmmm. I took them out and looked and everything looked okay.

steve warrington :
okay, I’ll try again.
Abagail : Thank you.
Abagail : Remove both cartridges.
Abagail :
Then check if carriage moving?

steve warrington :
okay, one moment

Abagail : Sure
steve warrington :
they are removed. how do I check the carriage moves?

Abagail :
Try to move it manually.
Abagail : Move it to left side if it is in right.
steve warrington :
it’s behind the cartridges. I can’t reach it.
Abagail : Try to move it with the pen or pencil
steve warrington : yes, i can move it manually
Abagail : Okay.
Abagail :
Now reinsert the cartridges.

Abagail :
Then disconnect Power cable from the Printer
steve warrington : ok
Abagail :
Press and hold down the power button of the printer for ten second to static discharge the power of the printer, when power cable is disconnected.

Abagail :
Then wait for 30 seconds and reconnect only power cord to the printer

Abagail :
Then please let me know there is any light blinks on the printer.

steve warrington :
nothing blinking.

Abagail :

Abagail :
Press and hold down the check mark button.

Abagail :
It will print a configuration page.

steve warrington :
how long do I hold it?

Abagail :
For 3 to 4 seconds

steve warrington :
it’s not printing a config page. nothing.

Abagail :
What about the printer light status?
Abagail : Is the power light on?
Abagail :
Or blinking?

steve warrington :
power light is on. blue antenna light is also on. that’s all.

steve warrington :
also, little green thing in bottom right corner is on. not sure what it is a symbol of.

Abagail :
Okay, open the top cover and check if carriage is moving automatically?

steve warrington :
how do I make carriage move automatically?

Abagail :
When you opened top cover, does it move or not?
steve warrington : no, it didn’t move.
Abagail :
Well, As per the steps performed and its results, I would like to inform you that this is a hardware malfunctioning of the printer

steve warrington : oh fun!
steve warrington :
so what can I do?

Abagail :
May I have serial # of this printer, so that I can check the warranty of this printer?
Abagail : It is written either on the rear panel of the printer or on the bottom of the printer (product serial number is of 10 digits alphanumeric number).
steve warrington :

Abagail :
Thank you.

Abagail :
Let me check the warranty of this printer.
steve warrington : oh it’s expired for sure.
Abagail : Yes, it is expired. I would not be able to replace it.

Nine Out of Ten Banana Analysts Agree

Musa ‘Ice Cream’ and Musa ‘Brazilian’ are the top two best-tasting banana plants on the banana analysts’ top five best-tasting banana plants list.

Speaking of ‘naners, I am so finsta hop the recent ravenolocavoracious mania and lassoo it to the ever-so-avante carbon-zero steamy hot wet planetism to make the first ever carbon-neutral neighborhhood greenhouse grocer growing a grossly abundant variety of effing awesome coffees, bananas, vanillas, mangoes, et al steamy hot wet tropical jungular fruit and flowers straight outta USDA hardiness zone 5 (crazy motherbleeper named Steve-cube).

Bananas, my friends, are the next heirloom mania.